
Housing PortalX Login

This website is used by UC Berkeley Housing Applicants (students and staff) to authenticate via CalNet. Once authenticated, this web app will query the student informatiion system (Campus Solutions) to get demographic data. The applicants demographic data is then pushed to the housing software (StarRez) to create an entry (person record). Once an entry exists in StarRez, the user will be signed into StarRez and able to start the housing application process.

This website is used by UC Berkeley Housing Applicants (students and staff) to Register or Login when they do not have CalNet credentials. Once registered, this web app will send a Person ID to the email address provided. Also included in the email is a one-time-use link to the Housing Portal. Use the link provided in the email you receive to access the Housing Portal. After you are registered, you will be able to Login using your "Person ID" and receive another one-time-use link to the Housing Portal.

App Host Version = .NET 6.0.15